*RESEARCH *TRAINING *STUDIES NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL *PUBLISHING BOOK Membangun wadah berhimpun para pemerhati dan peminat masalah-masalah pembangunan kajian strategis. Mengembangkan kemajuan pengetahuan dengan menyediakan forum bagi intelektual exercise.
JL. ANGGREK CENDRAWASIH III , BLOK J NO. 36 B, SLIPI, JAKARTA BARAT, 12720. .(+62-21) 83811695, . (+62-21) 30376299,. FAX: (+62-21) 5303196, .(+62-21) 5715796. Email: isds06@yahoo.co.id web: isds-jakarta.blogspot.com
REGISTERED IN INDONESIA MINISTRY of HOME AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE UNITY of NATION (LETTER OF REGISTRATION REMARKS) SKT Number: 093/ D.III.2/ iv/ 2009. Established with Legal Body of notary public: Soeparmo Saeran, SH no. 8. 24/8/2004.
JL. ANGGREK CENDRAWASIH III , BLOK J NO. 36 B, SLIPI, JAKARTA BARAT, 12720. .(+62-21) 83811695, . (+62-21) 30376299,. FAX: (+62-21) 5303196, .(+62-21) 5715796. Email: isds06@yahoo.co.id web: isds-jakarta.blogspot.com
REGISTERED IN INDONESIA MINISTRY of HOME AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE UNITY of NATION (LETTER OF REGISTRATION REMARKS) SKT Number: 093/ D.III.2/ iv/ 2009. Established with Legal Body of notary public: Soeparmo Saeran, SH no. 8. 24/8/2004.
SENIN, 22 JUNI 2009
Post Israel Aggression and The Era of Obama:
By : Tony Wardoyo (Member of Indonesian Parliament and Church, Id Number A: 239) and Aryojati Ardipandanto (Researcher of Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, ISDS Jakarta)
The world know enter the new hope post Israel “defeat” in Gaza and the rise of Barack Obama as The Presiden of United States America (USA). In many times, the Successor of President George W.Bush, gave the statement in his inauguration as the Presiden of USA that he will start the new era of relationship with Moslem world in mutual respect. If this statement is followed by it’s realization, it will be matched with the situation of “unity” between Christian and Moslem world post Israel massive aggression in Gaza early 2009.
There is a new interesting unfolding of whole world reaction that examine closely the Israel military aggression to the Gaza Strip region, Palestine. That is the stronger solidarity of Christian and Islam. Unsuspected, the Countries of Christian majority, such as Venezuela and Bolivia show far more distinct compare with Moslem Arabian Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt in pressuring Israel out of Gaza Strip. The position of those Latin America Countries is more brave by “kicking” the Israel Ambassador out of those two Countries.
Vatican position, as reflected by Paus Benedictus XVI statement, is clearly hardly critizes the Israel aggression. In many other Christian Countries such as Greece, Italy, France, England and other stool Countries, also express local solidarity, waved examine closely the military aggression. Christian community do not only demonstrate, but also give a lot of fund assistance to the Palestine Embassy in Asia, Eropa and America.
The massive support of internasional Christian society to the fate of Palestinian is a new phenomenon with extending indication, that is the perception of Moslem-Christian in international stage become one. It can be said that the phenomenon is never happened before, especially in the context of Palestinian sufferings. In the crisis time of Palestine, in 1947 and around 1980, phenomenon of the unity of Moslem and Christian perception was so powerless and indistincted, although late Paus Johannes Paulus II was a consistent supporter of the establishment of independent Palestine.
But, at that time, Vatican support was not followed by massive scale support of Christian world. Whereas, in the circle of Palestinian independent fighter, many enough of them having Christian background, such as George Habas, Michael Aunt and Palestine Christian intellectual, Edward Said, etc.
Since Israel established a country on the land owned by Palestinian, Israel Zion military have been pursued and oppressed Palestine Christian people in many times, besides Palestine Moslem as well. That is why, in the Israel military aggression at Gaza in this early 2009 and Lebanon in 2009, it seem that bombing Christian inhabitant region to be on purpose. So, through television and media, international people see the procession of ceremony done by Christian Priest to the parish who also become victim of Israel attack.
The problem is, why the massively unity of position of Moslem and Christian world responding Palestine problem newly appear in the Israel military aggression in latest 2008 until early 2009 ? It seem that it cannot apart from the change of international politics constellation.
In this era of post cold war, focus of West and East rivalry is very decline. Israel cannot lie to West people anymore just like before, just like lie to UK and France that Israel is the only one of West interest instrument in Middle East.
Even recently, in Moslem circle itself, the more intellectual figures and bussnismen who can build communication and network with out world, such as Europe, Latin America and sometimes USA. This condition is strengthened by telecommunication unfolding that make possibility to the faster spreading of an event to be known.
From here, people in the world can soon take part in the news of Israel military brutality that destroy civilian target such as children, women, school, offices and school owned by United Nations.
Keep the Momentum
With this unfolding, what we need to pick from the unity of Christian and Moslem solidarity in responding on Israel aggression in Gaza ? In Moslem world, striving to extend the condussive condition when having a relationship with Christian society is urgently required. It can be done by do the curb on part of municipality who still have limited point of view, that Palestine is merely only problem of Moslem.
In Christian world, also need to keep the momentum of togetherness with Moslem in taking position on Palestine problem. This is not only humanity problem, but also connected with Christ history in the past since the era of Jesus Christ who became a victim of Jews conspiracy.
There are many enough historic literature which show that the root of conflict between Jews and Christian so much deeper and longer than the tension between Jews and Islam. That because Islam obviously was not to be outward yet when Christ began to rise.
Visually, we can see how strong the hatred of Jews on Jesus Christ and His followers, as we can watch on the movie : The Passion of Christ, directed by Mel Gibson. Even when this movie was being made, international Jews (USA) community still kept on slandering Jesus Christ story.
Yet, Jews religion foreman in this era, in their internal statements still often insult the conviction of Christian faith, by calling Jesus Christ as a whore son born by adultery. Whereas, Islam tuition itself place Jesus Christ in honourable position by believing him, as Isa Almasih, who obviously born by God’s miracle, without father or by coitus.
The strong root of that Jews and Christian conflict, whe see also by understanding this statement : The Relevance of Huntington’s Work on The Clash of Civilizations (2005), The statement is : “Huntington furthermore forgot the rise of conflicts between Christians and Catholics against the Jews in World War II due to the tendency of the church in supporting Hitler and his regime rather than giving empathy and saving the Jews from Hitler’s politics of genocide”.
Preceding, in the middle age, Christian Queen, Isabella of Spain had commaded the princely elimination of Jews out of the Country that so they ran away searched for protection of Turkey.
Seeing relation of Jews and Christ conflict in the past, the momentum of neighbourhood of Christian society with Moslem in taking position on Israel aggression in Gaza, properly have to be built more seriously. In early 2000, known that some Israel Jews youth tried to turn upside down the Church of Nativity. If the power of Zion become really strong later, the main target of destruction is the Church of Nativity, and next the Masjidil Aqsha which owned by Moslem. As a reason of Israel Jews race destroying the two places, because there the place where the Temple of Solomon exist, that so only Jews who have the right to use it.
Besides, also the more appearance of extremism in Israel Government that want Jerussalem only authorized by Israel Jews while Moslems and Christians are forbid the pilgrimage and get involved in execution of the Jerusalem city that actually is owned by the three religions of Abraham descent.
By those explanations above, the people of Christian and Moslem world wide have to shoulder to shoulder facing the danger of Jews Zion movement from the Israel state of terrorism, including how to make the order of the world more impartial.
Tony Wardoyo is: Member of Indonesian Parliament (DPR-RI) and Church. Id Number A: 239.postgraduate JohanesBurg Mainz Germany University.
And Aryojati Ardipandanto is Researcher of Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, ISDS Jakarta, Indonesia
RABU, 19 MARET 2008
Foto DISKUSI PUBLIK,"“Stabilitas dan Integrasi Nasional Dalam Pelembagaan Demokrasi di Indonesia," Kerjasama Institute for Strategic and Development S
Foto DISKUSI PUBLIK,"“Stabilitas dan Integrasi Nasional Dalam Pelembagaan Demokrasi di Indonesia," Kerjasama Institute for Strategic and Development S
Dialog ISDS di TVRI =======
Dialog ISDS di TVRI =======
20.Seminar dan pelatihan "Legal drafting bagi anggota DPRD se-Indonesia dengan tema, “Menuju Perda Yang Berbasis Kerakyatan dan Bebas Korupsi”, pada: Hari/ Tanggal: Jumat, 19 – Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011. Tempat : Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 6, Jakarta. Peserta : Utusan sekitar 150 Anggota DPRD Provinsi dan DPRD Kabupaten/ Seminar dan pelatihan "Legal drafting bagi anggota DPRD dari berbagai propinsi dan kota/ kabupaten se-Indonesia dengan tema, “Menuju Perda Yang Berbasis Kerakyatan dan Bersih dari Korupsi”, pada: Hari/ Tanggal: Jumat-Minggu, 19 – ,20, 21 Agustus 2011. Tempat : Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 6, Jakarta.
Summary Profile (English)
Summary Profile
Institute for Strategic and Development Studies
The presence of Strategic and INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (ISDS) in an effort to help answer the needs of the Indonesian people about the need for institutions that can produce concept of development, encouraging progress, prosperity and equitable distribution of wealth.
Great goal like that in the modern world today could only be realized in a systematic if the concept is based on a strategic, synergistic and sustainable in an effort to get out of the multidimensional crisis to the next big leap to par with other developed countries. This agenda is only possible if realized when there is a large design vision and operational strategies that can not be affected by the fall-awakening ruling regime. In a situation almost all elements of society affected by partisan political euphoria post-reform era in 1998 until today, it is hard to find institutions that are still thinking about formulas concern strategic national strategy, a holistic and sustainable. At a global level is expected ISDS can also contribute ideas and activities to help overcome the disparity that have a good world economic dimension, the political, socio-cultural, science and security, thus encouraging new world order is peace and justice.
Observing those objective and subjevtive conditions, we are called out of taking part by conducting a series of activities expected later on to be able to provide problem solving alternatives for this country.
Accordingly, we establish Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, subsequently abbreviated as ISDS. ISDS aa a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has a mission of providing assistance in critically evaluating problems of this country and it’s people. The growing of critical people will foster a participatory society.
With its resources, ISDS undertakes to produce constructive discourses for the public and decision makers to identify problems proportionally and be a problem soving basis.
Name and Location
1. The name of this institution is : INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES subsequently abbreviated as ISDS in the statues and based in Jakarta. The institution is established with corporate body of notary public Soeparmo Saeran, SH no. 24/8/04. REGISTERED IN INDONESIA MINISTRY of HOME AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE UNITY of NATION (LETTER OF REGISTRATION REMARKS) SKT Number: 093/ D.III.2/ iv/ 2009.
2. ISDS can establish branch offices and representative offices in other locations, both inside and outside of Indonesia territory, as stipulated by the chairman of the executive board.
ISDS is inaugurated since the date of certificate signing on August 24th 2004 and established for an indefinite period of time.
Purpose and Objectives
The purposes and objective an ISDS are to :
1. Establish a gathering forum for the observers and enthusiasts of strategic studies of developmental problems; developing an advance of knowledge by providing a forum for intellectual exercise.
2. Assist in accelerating the institutionalization process of political democracy and economic reformation.
3. Produce critical discourses on economic, political, law enforcement and Human Rights problems within society; in broader scale able to enrich decision making alternative in super-structural level (public policy) and socio-political organizations.
4. Faster the quality of free and professional media.
5. Champion the enforcement of public ethics to promote the birth of good government, resist corruption and champion an accountable good governance.
In order to attain the aforementioned purposes and objectives, ISDS manage the following activities:
Scientific Study and Public Information
Scientific study ie one of ISDS chief programs. The conducted studies may belatest issues, or matters of strategic nature. The forms of the scientific study include seminar, discussion, dialogue and workshop. In the process, public discourses are realized in the broadcasting formats of talk show, debate and public dialogue in the television and other electronic media.
Research and Publication
In order to sharpen its empirical studies, ISDS undertakes research programs on strategic and developmental issues of economic, political, legal, defense and security, educational and cultural dimensions. Research on voting behavior to provide inputs for candidates of both local and presidential elections is a part of ISDS concerns. Included in those areas is a polling of figures or issues developmed within society.
Its in-depth analysis will be of scientific book and journal publications. Biographical publication of influential figures within society is a part of those programs. Thoughts and analyses presented through the journal published by ISDS are expectedto be of use to society in systematizing contemporary problems and to be references for the decision maker in Indonesia in addition to be literature for intellectuals and faculties.
Training and Education
In the efforts of transforming scientific values and conflict resolutions ISDS organizes a series of training, civil education, voter education, journalist investigation, economic skill improvement and other kinds of training in order to foster societal empowerment. If considered necessary for the sake of the success of the transformation, ISDS is willing to collaborate with other parties in the making of democratic messages and conflict resolutions through entertaiment media.
As a concrete action in empowering society, ISDS will undertake a series of advocacy for the people. These advocacy activities will be carried out by arranging petition, resolution and joint statement with other pro-democratic NGO forces in order to influence public policies favoring the people. The advocacies include lobbying action toward government officials, political parties leaders and parliamentarians; democratic campaign and transparency in the media. ISDS provides consulting services a partof this advocacy action.
Improvement of Media Quality
In order to improve information quality in society, ISDS organizes a series of media professionalism improvement through training and the making of content analysis medium published through bulletin and other necessary measures for the improvement of information quality in sociey including the making of website in the internet
THE ACTIVITY been done ISDS Between Other:
1. Research needs survey, DPR-RI member will of data and information services in the implementation of the functions of legislation, budgeting and supervision (2006) COOPERATION WITH DATA CENTER INFORMATION DPR-RI)
2 . RESEARCH, "The aspirations of the CILACAP DISTRICT Election 2007
3. RESEARCH, "The aspirations of DISTRICT TEGAL August 2007-September 2007 the Election
4 .. RESEARCH, MAPPING PROVINCE LAMPUNG aspirations of the 2008 election
5. USB Broadcast Interactive Dialogue at Hotel Century Park hotel in June 2007 about the optimal role of the DPR-RI P3DI Cooperation with the DPR-RI
6. Talk Show at the National Broadcating Televisi Republic Indonesia (TVRI). . "Changes in DPD Ketatanegaraan in Indonesia, 20 July 2007 Cooperation with the DPD-RI
7. Talk Show at the National Broadcating Televisi Republic Indonesia (TVRI). "PROFILE-PARTY POLITICAL PARTY, 17, 18, 23,, 24, 25 February 2009 EVERY HOUR 20.00-21-00 WIT
8. Published Books, "Changes in DPD law of state in Indonesia," ISDS, 2008
9. RESEARCH, "The aspirations of the Lampung Provincial Election 2008
10. Talk Show at the National Broadcating Televisi Republic Indonesia (TVRI). "KPU / DIALOGUE with title Rating Election Results Election 2009 HOUR 12.30-13.30 WIB
11. Organizing SOCIALIZATION PROGRAM Voter Education President through 2009 In cooperation with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of the Republic of Indonesia held on the day: DAY / DATE: Saturday, 13 June 2009 Time: 8.00-17.00 Wib. PLACE: Building Nasution Abdul Muis royal audience hall at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Jln Lingkar Academic, Darmaga, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) followed by the Student Representative and Student-university College and High schools in the city BOGOR
12. Polling on 6 CITY IN JAVA: ACCOUNTABILITY INSTITUTIONS of CORRUPTION ERADICATION IN INDONESIA (PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF "CONFLICT" for Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) VS Police) October 6 to October 12, 2009.
13. Training for Parliament: STRENGTHENING DPRD CAPACITY IN THE MAKING GOOD GOVERNANCE IN REGIONAL (Strengthening the Regional Peoples' Representative Councils for Governan14.Workshop, "" STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF PARLIAMENT IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE AND CONTROL OPERATOR IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT "Day / Date: May 19-May 20, 2010
Indonesia with the theme," Towards the Regulation-Based Democracy and Free of Corruption ", in: Day / Date: Friday, 19 - Sunday, August 21, 2011. Venue: Hotel Sari Pan Pacific , Road No. MH Thamrin. 6, Jakarta . Participants: envoy about 150 members of the Provincial DPRD and Regency / Seminars and training "Legal drafting for members of parliament from various provinces and cities / regencies throughoutIndonesia with the theme," Towards the Regulation-Based Democracy and anti of Corruption ", in: Day / Date: Friday-Sunday, 19 -, 20, August 21, 2011. Venue: Hotel Sari Pan Pacific, Jalan M.H. No. Thamrin. 6, Jakarta.ce Reform), 18, 19, 20 February 2010. Venue: Hotel Arya Duta, Jalan Prapatan 44-48 Approximately members 200 DPRD persons in several delegate area throughout Indonesia.
Institute for Strategic and Development Studies
The presence of Strategic and INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (ISDS) in an effort to help answer the needs of the Indonesian people about the need for institutions that can produce concept of development, encouraging progress, prosperity and equitable distribution of wealth.
Great goal like that in the modern world today could only be realized in a systematic if the concept is based on a strategic, synergistic and sustainable in an effort to get out of the multidimensional crisis to the next big leap to par with other developed countries. This agenda is only possible if realized when there is a large design vision and operational strategies that can not be affected by the fall-awakening ruling regime. In a situation almost all elements of society affected by partisan political euphoria post-reform era in 1998 until today, it is hard to find institutions that are still thinking about formulas concern strategic national strategy, a holistic and sustainable. At a global level is expected ISDS can also contribute ideas and activities to help overcome the disparity that have a good world economic dimension, the political, socio-cultural, science and security, thus encouraging new world order is peace and justice.
Observing those objective and subjevtive conditions, we are called out of taking part by conducting a series of activities expected later on to be able to provide problem solving alternatives for this country.
Accordingly, we establish Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, subsequently abbreviated as ISDS. ISDS aa a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has a mission of providing assistance in critically evaluating problems of this country and it’s people. The growing of critical people will foster a participatory society.
With its resources, ISDS undertakes to produce constructive discourses for the public and decision makers to identify problems proportionally and be a problem soving basis.
Name and Location
1. The name of this institution is : INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES subsequently abbreviated as ISDS in the statues and based in Jakarta. The institution is established with corporate body of notary public Soeparmo Saeran, SH no. 24/8/04. REGISTERED IN INDONESIA MINISTRY of HOME AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE UNITY of NATION (LETTER OF REGISTRATION REMARKS) SKT Number: 093/ D.III.2/ iv/ 2009.
2. ISDS can establish branch offices and representative offices in other locations, both inside and outside of Indonesia territory, as stipulated by the chairman of the executive board.
ISDS is inaugurated since the date of certificate signing on August 24th 2004 and established for an indefinite period of time.
Purpose and Objectives
The purposes and objective an ISDS are to :
1. Establish a gathering forum for the observers and enthusiasts of strategic studies of developmental problems; developing an advance of knowledge by providing a forum for intellectual exercise.
2. Assist in accelerating the institutionalization process of political democracy and economic reformation.
3. Produce critical discourses on economic, political, law enforcement and Human Rights problems within society; in broader scale able to enrich decision making alternative in super-structural level (public policy) and socio-political organizations.
4. Faster the quality of free and professional media.
5. Champion the enforcement of public ethics to promote the birth of good government, resist corruption and champion an accountable good governance.
In order to attain the aforementioned purposes and objectives, ISDS manage the following activities:
Scientific Study and Public Information
Scientific study ie one of ISDS chief programs. The conducted studies may belatest issues, or matters of strategic nature. The forms of the scientific study include seminar, discussion, dialogue and workshop. In the process, public discourses are realized in the broadcasting formats of talk show, debate and public dialogue in the television and other electronic media.
Research and Publication
In order to sharpen its empirical studies, ISDS undertakes research programs on strategic and developmental issues of economic, political, legal, defense and security, educational and cultural dimensions. Research on voting behavior to provide inputs for candidates of both local and presidential elections is a part of ISDS concerns. Included in those areas is a polling of figures or issues developmed within society.
Its in-depth analysis will be of scientific book and journal publications. Biographical publication of influential figures within society is a part of those programs. Thoughts and analyses presented through the journal published by ISDS are expectedto be of use to society in systematizing contemporary problems and to be references for the decision maker in Indonesia in addition to be literature for intellectuals and faculties.
Training and Education
In the efforts of transforming scientific values and conflict resolutions ISDS organizes a series of training, civil education, voter education, journalist investigation, economic skill improvement and other kinds of training in order to foster societal empowerment. If considered necessary for the sake of the success of the transformation, ISDS is willing to collaborate with other parties in the making of democratic messages and conflict resolutions through entertaiment media.
As a concrete action in empowering society, ISDS will undertake a series of advocacy for the people. These advocacy activities will be carried out by arranging petition, resolution and joint statement with other pro-democratic NGO forces in order to influence public policies favoring the people. The advocacies include lobbying action toward government officials, political parties leaders and parliamentarians; democratic campaign and transparency in the media. ISDS provides consulting services a partof this advocacy action.
Improvement of Media Quality
In order to improve information quality in society, ISDS organizes a series of media professionalism improvement through training and the making of content analysis medium published through bulletin and other necessary measures for the improvement of information quality in sociey including the making of website in the internet
THE ACTIVITY been done ISDS Between Other:
1. Research needs survey, DPR-RI member will of data and information services in the implementation of the functions of legislation, budgeting and supervision (2006) COOPERATION WITH DATA CENTER INFORMATION DPR-RI)
2 . RESEARCH, "The aspirations of the CILACAP DISTRICT Election 2007
3. RESEARCH, "The aspirations of DISTRICT TEGAL August 2007-September 2007 the Election
4 .. RESEARCH, MAPPING PROVINCE LAMPUNG aspirations of the 2008 election
5. USB Broadcast Interactive Dialogue at Hotel Century Park hotel in June 2007 about the optimal role of the DPR-RI P3DI Cooperation with the DPR-RI
6. Talk Show at the National Broadcating Televisi Republic Indonesia (TVRI). . "Changes in DPD Ketatanegaraan in Indonesia, 20 July 2007 Cooperation with the DPD-RI
7. Talk Show at the National Broadcating Televisi Republic Indonesia (TVRI). "PROFILE-PARTY POLITICAL PARTY, 17, 18, 23,, 24, 25 February 2009 EVERY HOUR 20.00-21-00 WIT
8. Published Books, "Changes in DPD law of state in Indonesia," ISDS, 2008
9. RESEARCH, "The aspirations of the Lampung Provincial Election 2008
10. Talk Show at the National Broadcating Televisi Republic Indonesia (TVRI). "KPU / DIALOGUE with title Rating Election Results Election 2009 HOUR 12.30-13.30 WIB
11. Organizing SOCIALIZATION PROGRAM Voter Education President through 2009 In cooperation with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of the Republic of Indonesia held on the day: DAY / DATE: Saturday, 13 June 2009 Time: 8.00-17.00 Wib. PLACE: Building Nasution Abdul Muis royal audience hall at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Jln Lingkar Academic, Darmaga, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) followed by the Student Representative and Student-university College and High schools in the city BOGOR
12. Polling on 6 CITY IN JAVA: ACCOUNTABILITY INSTITUTIONS of CORRUPTION ERADICATION IN INDONESIA (PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF "CONFLICT" for Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) VS Police) October 6 to October 12, 2009.
13. Training for Parliament: STRENGTHENING DPRD CAPACITY IN THE MAKING GOOD GOVERNANCE IN REGIONAL (Strengthening the Regional Peoples' Representative Councils for Governan14.Workshop, "" STRENGTHENING THE CAPACITY OF PARLIAMENT IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE AND CONTROL OPERATOR IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT "Day / Date: May 19-May 20, 2010
In: PURI AVIA Hotel, Jl. Peak highway KM 65, Number 16 750 179 Cipayung Bogor Bogor . In cooperation with Dirjend KESBANGPOL MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS.
15. Technical Guidance parliament, "Strengthening the capacity of Parliament BAMUS," June 2010 at: HOTEL IBIS Jalan Besar Bungur Kingdom 79-81 - 10 620 - JAKARTA . Participants Parliament Parliament BAMUS Muara Jambi.
16. Seminar on Youth and Globalization, "Cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports on December 29, 2010,"
17. PUBLIC DIALOGUE, "STRENGTHEN CAPACITY COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS / NGO IN SUPPORTING AND STRENGTHENING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL SECURITY," Cooperation with Kesbangpol Kemendagri, February 26, 2011 Time: 13:30 Wib to completion PLACE: Seminar Room Hall / Meeting Building C FISIP UNAIR Campus B Jl Surabaya Airlangga 4-6 Surabaya .
18. PUBLIC DISCUSSION, "" Stability and National Integration in the Institutionalization of Democracy in Indonesia, "Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS) with KEMENDAGRI / PPI UNAS, 5 April 2011 dI Hall Seminar Room Block I Floor 4, National University Campus, Jakarta
held on: Date: May 31 2011TEMPAT: Seminar Hall University FISIP Moestopo Jl.Hanglekir I No.8 Jakarta.
20.Seminar and training "Legal drafting for legislators in
21. Research and SURVEY ABOUT POPULARITY , ELECTABILIY, Aspirations & HOPE COMMUNITY Gianyar provinceof Bali district HEAD OF REGIONAL DISTRICT LEADERSHIP GIANYAR Regent Election 2012. The study was conducted during on 6 - 19 April 2012selamatanggal 6 - 19 April 2012
22. To carry out public discussion of themeEnhancing format ACCOUNTABILITY of Civil Society Organization Through Law Revision No. No.8/TAHUN 1985. (In The Framework Revision Of The Law "The Society Organization Act (KEORMASAN) Number 8/ 1985)“.the event held on: Date : May 15, 2012 Hours Venue : Seminar Hall Aula Seminar Nurcholish Majid, Phd. Universitas Paramadina, Jl. Gatot Subroto J a k a r t a.
Profil Singkat
PEMBANGUNAN bagi Dunia Ketiga, baik keberhasilan maupun kegagalannya, tetap saja menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk menjadi fokus kajian. Dalam studi kasus Indonesia, gerak konjungtur ekonomi politik menarik dikritisi karena dalam proses perkembangannya ternyata tidak berjalan linear.
Dari proses keruntuhan tatanan Orde Baru pada tahun 1998 yang didahului krisis ekonomi yang buruk sejak tahun 1997 akibat terdepresiasinya nilai tukar rupiah atas dollar, menyadarkan banyak pihak begitu erat korelasi antara variable ekonomi dan politik, begitupula sebaliknya. Kondisi ini menyentakkan kesadaran semua pihak bahwa akar kegagalan tersebut tidak semata-mata persoalan ekonomi. Kegagalan itu juga dipicu oleh pelapukan dalam periode yang panjang terhadap struktur sosial dan politik.
Asumsi awal yang mengharapkan pembangunan sosial berjalan dengan penumpukan kapital terutama aliran modal internasional menimbulkan keterpurukan ekonomi-politik yang dimulai tahun 1997. Masyarakat yang dijadikan sasaran pembangunan sosial lebih dilihat dengan pendekatan teknis-statis daripada dinamika sosial-kultural.Akibat kumulatif dari kesalahan visi, strategi, dan kebijakan yang diperburuk oleh sikap hiper-pragmatis itulah yang mengakhiri pembangunan dalam wujud kegagalan, setelah sebelumnya ditapaki lewat proses pegeroposan yang panjang.Komplikasi dari berbagai kelemahan struktur di berbagai bidang ini mengakibatkan proses pemulihan ekonomi di Indonesia berjalan relatif lebih lambat.Usaha untuk melakukan transformasi politik menuju demokrasi meski mulai bergulir sejak reformasi 1998, namun belum menunjukkan out-put yang memuaskan. Masih merebaknya penyimpangan politik dan ekonomi dewasa ini sungguh mengherankan bukan hanya dilihat dari telah silih bergantinya pemerintahan dalam era reformasi, tetapi juga dilihat dari transformasi struktur formal yang demokratis namun belum membawa perubahan signifikan bagi kehidupan masyarakat yang sejahtera dan berkeadilan.Dengan rangkaian persoalan yang diketengahkan di atas, maka bangsa Indonesia membutuhkan konsep pengembangan dan pembangunan yang strategis, sinergis dan berkelanjutan dalam upaya keluar dari krisis multidimensional untuk selanjutnya melakukan lompatan besar agar sejajar dengan negara maju lainnya. Agenda ini hanya mungkin bila terealisasi bila terdapat desain besar visi dan strategi yang bisa dioperasionalkan tanpa terpengaruh oleh jatuh-bangunnya rezim berkuasa. Dalam situasi hampir semua elemen masyarakat dilanda euphoria politik partisan pasca reformasi 1998 hingga dewasa ini, sulit ditemukan institusi yang masih concern memikirkan formula strategi nasional yang strategis, holistic dan berkelanjutan.
Melihat kondisi obyektif dan kondisi subyektif tersebu, kami terpannggil untuk ikut berpartisipasi dengan melakukan rangkaian aktivitas yang nantinya diharapkan mampu memberikan beberapa alternatif penyelesaian masalah bagi bangsa ini. Oleh karena itu kami mendirikan Institute for Strategic and Development Studies Studies untuk selanjutnya disingkat ISDS. ISDS sebagai suatu Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (disingkat LSM) atau Non Government Organization (disingkat NGO) memiliki misi bagaimana membantu mengevaluasi secara kritis terhadap persoalan yang melanda di masyarakat maupun negara. Dengan tumbuhnya sikap kritis masyarakat akan mendorong masyarakat yang partisipatoris.
Dengan sumberdaya yang dimilikinya ISDS berusaha menghasilkan wacana yang konstruktif bagi publik dan kalangan decision makers, sehingga mengidentifikasi persoalan secara proporsional dan bisa dijadikan landasan pemecahan masalah.
Nama dan Tempat Kedudukan
PEMBANGUNAN bagi Dunia Ketiga, baik keberhasilan maupun kegagalannya, tetap saja menjadi bahan yang menarik untuk menjadi fokus kajian. Dalam studi kasus Indonesia, gerak konjungtur ekonomi politik menarik dikritisi karena dalam proses perkembangannya ternyata tidak berjalan linear.
Dari proses keruntuhan tatanan Orde Baru pada tahun 1998 yang didahului krisis ekonomi yang buruk sejak tahun 1997 akibat terdepresiasinya nilai tukar rupiah atas dollar, menyadarkan banyak pihak begitu erat korelasi antara variable ekonomi dan politik, begitupula sebaliknya. Kondisi ini menyentakkan kesadaran semua pihak bahwa akar kegagalan tersebut tidak semata-mata persoalan ekonomi. Kegagalan itu juga dipicu oleh pelapukan dalam periode yang panjang terhadap struktur sosial dan politik.
Asumsi awal yang mengharapkan pembangunan sosial berjalan dengan penumpukan kapital terutama aliran modal internasional menimbulkan keterpurukan ekonomi-politik yang dimulai tahun 1997. Masyarakat yang dijadikan sasaran pembangunan sosial lebih dilihat dengan pendekatan teknis-statis daripada dinamika sosial-kultural.Akibat kumulatif dari kesalahan visi, strategi, dan kebijakan yang diperburuk oleh sikap hiper-pragmatis itulah yang mengakhiri pembangunan dalam wujud kegagalan, setelah sebelumnya ditapaki lewat proses pegeroposan yang panjang.Komplikasi dari berbagai kelemahan struktur di berbagai bidang ini mengakibatkan proses pemulihan ekonomi di Indonesia berjalan relatif lebih lambat.Usaha untuk melakukan transformasi politik menuju demokrasi meski mulai bergulir sejak reformasi 1998, namun belum menunjukkan out-put yang memuaskan. Masih merebaknya penyimpangan politik dan ekonomi dewasa ini sungguh mengherankan bukan hanya dilihat dari telah silih bergantinya pemerintahan dalam era reformasi, tetapi juga dilihat dari transformasi struktur formal yang demokratis namun belum membawa perubahan signifikan bagi kehidupan masyarakat yang sejahtera dan berkeadilan.Dengan rangkaian persoalan yang diketengahkan di atas, maka bangsa Indonesia membutuhkan konsep pengembangan dan pembangunan yang strategis, sinergis dan berkelanjutan dalam upaya keluar dari krisis multidimensional untuk selanjutnya melakukan lompatan besar agar sejajar dengan negara maju lainnya. Agenda ini hanya mungkin bila terealisasi bila terdapat desain besar visi dan strategi yang bisa dioperasionalkan tanpa terpengaruh oleh jatuh-bangunnya rezim berkuasa. Dalam situasi hampir semua elemen masyarakat dilanda euphoria politik partisan pasca reformasi 1998 hingga dewasa ini, sulit ditemukan institusi yang masih concern memikirkan formula strategi nasional yang strategis, holistic dan berkelanjutan.
Melihat kondisi obyektif dan kondisi subyektif tersebu, kami terpannggil untuk ikut berpartisipasi dengan melakukan rangkaian aktivitas yang nantinya diharapkan mampu memberikan beberapa alternatif penyelesaian masalah bagi bangsa ini. Oleh karena itu kami mendirikan Institute for Strategic and Development Studies Studies untuk selanjutnya disingkat ISDS. ISDS sebagai suatu Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (disingkat LSM) atau Non Government Organization (disingkat NGO) memiliki misi bagaimana membantu mengevaluasi secara kritis terhadap persoalan yang melanda di masyarakat maupun negara. Dengan tumbuhnya sikap kritis masyarakat akan mendorong masyarakat yang partisipatoris.
Dengan sumberdaya yang dimilikinya ISDS berusaha menghasilkan wacana yang konstruktif bagi publik dan kalangan decision makers, sehingga mengidentifikasi persoalan secara proporsional dan bisa dijadikan landasan pemecahan masalah.
Nama dan Tempat Kedudukan
- Lembaga ini bernama : “INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES selanjutnya dalam anggaran dasar ini cukup disebut sebagai ISDS berkedudukan di Jakarta. Didirikan dengan akte Notaris Soeparno Saeran, SH dengan nomor 24/8/2004 dan STPKO DEPDAGRI
- ISDS dapat mendirikan/membuka kantor-kantor cabang dan kantor- kantor perwakilan ditempat-tempat lain, baik didalam maupun diluar wilayah Republik Indonesia, sebagaimana ditetapkan oleh pimpinan Dewan Eksekutif.
W a k t u
ISDS dimulai sejak tanggal penandatanganan akte ini 24 Agustus 2004 dan didirkan untuk jangka waktu yang tidak ditentukan lamanya.
A s a s
ISDS ini berasaskan Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar seribu sembilan ratus empat puluh lima (U.U.D. 1945).
A. Maksud dan Tujuan
Maksud dan tujuan ISDS ini ialah :
ISDS dimulai sejak tanggal penandatanganan akte ini 24 Agustus 2004 dan didirkan untuk jangka waktu yang tidak ditentukan lamanya.
A s a s
ISDS ini berasaskan Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar seribu sembilan ratus empat puluh lima (U.U.D. 1945).
A. Maksud dan Tujuan
Maksud dan tujuan ISDS ini ialah :
- Membangun wadah berhimpun para pemerhati dan peminat masalah-masalah pembangunan kajian startegis. Mengembangkan kemajuan pengetahuan dengan menyediakan forum bagi intelektual exercise.
- Membantu mempercepat proses pelembagaaan demokrasi politik dan reformasi ekonomi.
- Menghasilkan wacana kritis terhadap persolan-persoalan ekonomi, politik, penegakkan Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia di masyarakat. Dalam skala luas bisa memperkaya alternatif pengambilan keputusan di tingkat suprstruktur (publik policy) dan organisasi sosial-politik.
- Membantu meningkatkan kualitas media yang bebas sekaligus professional.
- Memperjuangkan penegakan etika publik untuk mendorong lahirnya pemerintah yang baik (good government), menentang korupsi dan memperjuangkan tatapemerintahan yang akuntabel.
B. Usaha-Usaha
Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut, ISDS menjalankan usaha-usaha :
Kajian ilmiah dan informasi Publik
Kajian ilmiah merupakan salah satu andalan program ISDS. Studi yang dilakukan bisa persoalan yang isu mutakhir, ataupun materi yang bersifat agenda strategis. Bentuk kajian ilmiahnya meliputi seminar, diskusi, dialog dan lokakarya atau workshop. Dalam pengembangan wacana publik direalisasikan dalam fotmat siaran talk show, debat dan dialog publik di televisi dan media elektronik lainnya.
Penelitian dan Penerbitan
Untuk mempertajam studi empiriknya, ISDS melakukan program penelitian masalah strategi dan pembangunan baik yang berdimensi Ekonomi, Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan Keamanan, Pendidikan dan budaya. Mencakup bidang itu adalah pembuatan polling atau jajak pendapat mengenai tokoh atau isu-isu yang berkembang di masyarkat .
Di antara kajian mendalamnya (deepth analysis) akan diwujudkan berupa penerbitan buku dan jurnal ilmu pengetahuan. Penerbitan biografi tokoh-tokoh yang berpengaruh dalam masyarakat termasuk bagian program itu. Pemikiran dan analisis yang disajikan melalui jurnal yang diterbitkan ISDS diharapkan bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dalam mensistematikan persoalan kontemporer dan sekaligus dijadikan referensi bagi pengambil keputusan di Indonesia disamping menjadi literatur kalangan intelektual dan pengajar universitas.
Pelatihan & Pendidikan
Dalam upaya mentransformasikan nilai-nilai ilmu pengetahuan dan resolusi konflik ISDS menyelenggarakan rangkaian pendidikan pelatihan, civic education, voters education, investigasi jurnalistik, peningkatan skill ekonomi dan jenis-jenis pelatihan lain yang mendorong pemberdayaan masyarakat. Bila dipandang perlu untuk keberhasilan transformasi itu, ISDS bersedia bekerjasama dengan pihak lain dalam pembuatan pesan demokrasi dan resolusi konflik melalui medium entertaiment.
Sebagai langkah kongkrit dalam pemberdayaan masyarkat ISDS akan melakukan serangkaian advokasi pada masyarakat. Kegiatan advokasi ini akan dilakukan dengan jalan membuat petisi, resolusi dan pernyataan bersama dengan kekuatan NGO pro demokrasi yang lain untuk mempengaruhi kebijakan publik yang menguntungkan masyarakat. Advokasi ini mencakup aksi lobbying terhadap pejabat pemerintah, pejabat parpol, serta anggota DPR; kampanye demokrasi dan transparansi di media. Sebagai bagian dari gerakan advokasi ini, ISDS menyediakan layanan konsultasi.
Peningkatan Kualitas Media
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas informasi di masyarakat, ISDS menyelenggarakan rangkaian peningkatan profesionalisme media melalui training, dan pembuatan content analysis media yang diterbitkan melalui bulletin. Serta langkah-langkah lain yang diperlukan bagi peningkatan kualitas informasi di masyarakat termasuk Pembuatan situs Internet.
Kantor Urusan Umum:
Gedung Senayan Trade Center (STC Building ) Jl. Asia Afrika Pintu IX Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta, Lt2. No.47 Jakarta 10270
Alamat Sekretariat(adress):
ISDS: JaLan (Street). ANGGREK CENDRAWASIH III , BLOK J NO. 36 B, SLIPI, JAKARTA BARAT, 12720. .(+62-21) 83811695, . (+62-21) 30376299,. FAX: (.(+62-21) 5715796 (+62-21) 5303196. Email: isds06@yahoo.co.id web: isds-jakarta.blogspot.com
REGISTERED IN INDONESIA MINISTRY of HOME AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE UNITY of NATION (LETTER OF REGISTRATION REMARKS) SKT Number: 093/ D.III.2/ iv/ 2009. Established with Legal Body of notary public: Soeparmo Saeran, SH no. 8. 24/8/2004.
Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut, ISDS menjalankan usaha-usaha :
Kajian ilmiah dan informasi Publik
Kajian ilmiah merupakan salah satu andalan program ISDS. Studi yang dilakukan bisa persoalan yang isu mutakhir, ataupun materi yang bersifat agenda strategis. Bentuk kajian ilmiahnya meliputi seminar, diskusi, dialog dan lokakarya atau workshop. Dalam pengembangan wacana publik direalisasikan dalam fotmat siaran talk show, debat dan dialog publik di televisi dan media elektronik lainnya.
Penelitian dan Penerbitan
Untuk mempertajam studi empiriknya, ISDS melakukan program penelitian masalah strategi dan pembangunan baik yang berdimensi Ekonomi, Politik, Hukum, Pertahanan Keamanan, Pendidikan dan budaya. Mencakup bidang itu adalah pembuatan polling atau jajak pendapat mengenai tokoh atau isu-isu yang berkembang di masyarkat .
Di antara kajian mendalamnya (deepth analysis) akan diwujudkan berupa penerbitan buku dan jurnal ilmu pengetahuan. Penerbitan biografi tokoh-tokoh yang berpengaruh dalam masyarakat termasuk bagian program itu. Pemikiran dan analisis yang disajikan melalui jurnal yang diterbitkan ISDS diharapkan bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dalam mensistematikan persoalan kontemporer dan sekaligus dijadikan referensi bagi pengambil keputusan di Indonesia disamping menjadi literatur kalangan intelektual dan pengajar universitas.
Pelatihan & Pendidikan
Dalam upaya mentransformasikan nilai-nilai ilmu pengetahuan dan resolusi konflik ISDS menyelenggarakan rangkaian pendidikan pelatihan, civic education, voters education, investigasi jurnalistik, peningkatan skill ekonomi dan jenis-jenis pelatihan lain yang mendorong pemberdayaan masyarakat. Bila dipandang perlu untuk keberhasilan transformasi itu, ISDS bersedia bekerjasama dengan pihak lain dalam pembuatan pesan demokrasi dan resolusi konflik melalui medium entertaiment.
Sebagai langkah kongkrit dalam pemberdayaan masyarkat ISDS akan melakukan serangkaian advokasi pada masyarakat. Kegiatan advokasi ini akan dilakukan dengan jalan membuat petisi, resolusi dan pernyataan bersama dengan kekuatan NGO pro demokrasi yang lain untuk mempengaruhi kebijakan publik yang menguntungkan masyarakat. Advokasi ini mencakup aksi lobbying terhadap pejabat pemerintah, pejabat parpol, serta anggota DPR; kampanye demokrasi dan transparansi di media. Sebagai bagian dari gerakan advokasi ini, ISDS menyediakan layanan konsultasi.
Peningkatan Kualitas Media
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas informasi di masyarakat, ISDS menyelenggarakan rangkaian peningkatan profesionalisme media melalui training, dan pembuatan content analysis media yang diterbitkan melalui bulletin. Serta langkah-langkah lain yang diperlukan bagi peningkatan kualitas informasi di masyarakat termasuk Pembuatan situs Internet.
Kantor Urusan Umum:
Alamat Sekretariat(adress):
ISDS: JaLan (Street). ANGGREK CENDRAWASIH III , BLOK J NO. 36 B, SLIPI, JAKARTA BARAT, 12720. .(+62-21) 83811695, . (+62-21) 30376299,. FAX: (.(+62-21) 5715796 (+62-21) 5303196. Email: isds06@yahoo.co.id web: isds-jakarta.blogspot.com
REGISTERED IN INDONESIA MINISTRY of HOME AFFAIRS DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE UNITY of NATION (LETTER OF REGISTRATION REMARKS) SKT Number: 093/ D.III.2/ iv/ 2009. Established with Legal Body of notary public: Soeparmo Saeran, SH no. 8. 24/8/2004.
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